QSC befördert Danny Pickett

QSC announces the promotion of Danny Pickett to Director, Global Cinema Sales


QSC Audio Products is pleased to announce the promotion of Danny Pickett to Director, Global Cinema Sales.

Danny Pickett joined QSC Cinema in 2005 as Key Accounts Manager, and was tasked with selecting and setting up European cinema dealers for QSC Audio Products. In 2010, he was promoted to Cinema Sales Manager, taking on management and support for domestic and international cinema dealers.  As Director, Global Cinema Sales, Danny will have overall responsibility for all domestic and international sales operations and customer technical support.

“Danny has proven to be one of our strongest assets in cinema sales,” says Barry Ferrell, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for QSC Audio Products. “Since he became Cinema Sales Manager, our global cinema sales have grown significantly, and a large percentage of that increase was directly related to the market development work that Danny has done with our international dealers. Danny is now empowered to further strengthen our global sales and distribution network, and to continue to provide the level of support that our customers have come to expect from QSC Cinema.”

Pickett’s new position coincides with other staffing changes within the QSC cinema group. Ferrell comments, “As my role within QSC has shifted to corporate strategic issues, day-to-day operations of the cinema group will be managed jointly by Danny and Mark Mayfield, Cinema Marketing Manager. While Danny will handle sales issues, Mark will manage all marketing related operations. I have full confidence in these two seasoned professionals to successfully grow our cinema business while I focus on strategy and product development.”

Danny Pickett’s cinema sound background includes experience in both post-production and exhibition. As a staff technician with AMC Theatres, Pickett supervised all studio screenings in the Los Angeles area, and managed projection and sound for new theatre construction projects in southern California.  With Lucasfilm THX, he conducted THX theatre certifications and worked as an engineer for the THX Digital Mastering program.  Prior to joining QSC in 2005, Danny was a Re-Recording Engineer and Sound Editor for 20th Century Fox Studios.