Q-SYS Online Training!

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QSC has created the most innovative DSP training program available today

No boring PowerPoints or lifeless presenters! No pointless videos that seem to go on forever!

Q-SYS Training Overview

  • Online classes allow you to learn on your own time and at your own pace
  • Real world scenarios and practical cases
  • Skilled (and hilarious) presenters always keep the content moving
  • Modular videos keep the content short and to the point
  • Non-linear and completely searchable (every word in every Q-SYS video has been indexed)
  • Open to the public and free (No cost! Put your money away!)

Q-SYS Training Curriculum at a Glance

Training map

Primary Curriculum

Q-SYS Level Zero: Online
0.5 RU
2 hours

This short course will provide you with a basic overview of the Q-SYS Platform and Partner Ecosystem. You’ll also receive a foundational walk-through of Q-SYS Designer Software. From there, you can take this knowledge in an number of different directions, depending on who are and what your goals might be.

Start Training
Q-SYS Training Level One: Online
4 credits
Approximately 8 hours
Build your first custom design using Q-SYS Designer

In this innovative, modular online course you’ll learn the basics of designing a Q-SYS system while receiving an overview of Q-SYS Designer software in the context of a conference integration.

  • Basic Q-SYS Platform introduction, including hardware and software elements
  • Telephony, AEC, and automatic mixing
  • Designing user control interfaces
  • Audio bridging via USB
  • Creating a complete Q-SYS System for a conference area
Start Training
Q-SYS Training Level Two: Standard: Classroom
Q-SYS Level One Training Certification
8 credits
16 classroom hours
Build a custom design using Q-SYS Designer
Available worldwide (see online schedule)

Complete your Q-SYS Training Certification with this two-day classroom experience. Q-SYS Level Two Training builds on the learnings from Level 1 by providing students with a comprehensive hands-on experience of the Q-SYS platform, teaching a wide variety of advanced processes and concepts.

  • Network setup
  • Advanced UCI Design
  • Core-to-core Streaming and Control
  • GPIO integration
  • Wide Area Paging
  • … and more!
Start Training
Q-SYS Control Training 101: Online
None (Recommended: familiarity with Q-SYS Designer Software and/or Q-SYS Level One)
2.5 credits
Approximately 5 hours

This is the perfect course for integrators looking to branch into control programming, or for programming experts who are looking to apply their knowledge specifically on the Q-SYS Platform. Control 101 introduces students to the fundamentals of programming and scripting.

  • Lua basics
  • Plugin usage/Q-SYS Asset Manager
  • Block Controller (visual programming tool)
  • Control Components
Start Training
Q-SYS Video Training 101: Online
None (Recommended: familiarity with Q-SYS Designer Software and/or Q-SYS Level One)
0.5 credits
1 hour

Learn how to distribute native HDMI video on the Q-SYS Ecosystem. This training shows how to optimize your software-configurable NV Series network video endpoints for your meeting room.

  • NV Series (NV-32-H) I/O capabilities overview
  • Fundamentals of streams, resolutions, EDID and HDCP
  • Benefit of Q-SYS Shift adaptive video codec
  • Video wiring basics in Q-SYS Designer Software
  • Decoupling/routing HDMI Audio
  • Configuring for simultaneous video streaming on a single NV-32-H
  • Using NV-32-H for web conferencing applications (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc)
Start Training
Q-SYS Level 1 for Cinema:
4 credits
Approximately 8 hours
Yes - build your first custom cinema design using Q-SYS Designer.

In this innovative, modular online course you’ll learn the basics of designing a multiplex cinema with the Q-SYS Ecosystem while receiving an overview of Q-SYS Designer software.

  • Basic Q-SYS Ecosystem for Cinema introduction, including hardware peripherals like the DCIO and DPA Series network amplifiers.
  • Designing user control interfaces.
  • Learn to troubleshoot your cinema signal path with Q-SYS test and measurement tools
  • Learn to manipulate and adjust the existing QSC approved Q-SYS multiplex design
Start Training
Q-SYS Training Level Two: Cinema: Classroom
Q-SYS Level 1 for Cinema Certification
8 credits
16 hours
Yes - build a working template for real-world cinema deployment.

Time to apply the lessons learned from Q-SYS Training Level 1 directly to real world cinema scenarios! This live course is framed around building a modern cinema design that is ready to implement in real-world applications with the ability to modify as needed. Students will connect to real Q-SYS hardware and the course is intentionally kept very small to allow our training staff plenty of time for live Q&A and proof of concepts.

  • Understand and modify all elements of a functioning Q-SYS design for Cinema
  • Control 3rd party devices using a variety of tools available within Q-SYS
  • Configure Q-SYS to implement Immersive Audio formats such as Dolby Atmos
  • User Control Interface Design
Start Training
Q-SYS Level Two for Cinema-Bridge Course: Online
Q-SYS Training Level Two: Standard
3 credits
6 hours
Yes - build a working template for real-world cinema deployment.

With our Standard Q-SYS Level Two training under your belt, learn how Q-SYS is used in Cinema. This course assumes you have learned advanced concepts of Q-SYS and we put them to work through building a modern cinema design that is ready to implement in real-world applications with the ability to modify as needed.

  • Understand and modify all elements of a functioning Q-SYS design for Cinema
  • Control 3rd party devices using a variety of tools available within Q-SYS
  • Configure Q-SYS to implement Immersive Audio formats such as Dolby Atmos
  • Build a User Control Interface designed for cinema
Start Training
Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager Technician Training: Online
0.5 credits
Approximately 1 hour
English, Spanish

Before you start taking full advantage of remote monitoring and management with Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager, this course will take you through the initial setup process.

  • Understand the vastly simplified architecture of the new Q-SYS Reflect cloud infrastructure, and how it enables Enterprise Manager.
  • Learn to connect your entire Q-SYS system to Enterprise Manager.
  • Prep your network to enable Enterprise Manager.
  • Build simple connections for third-party devices using the Monitoring Proxy
Start Training
Q-SYS Control and UCI Training Series: Online and/or Classroom
Level Zero Training for "Fundamentals" and Control 101 Training for "Intermediate" and "Advanced"
3 credits for "Fundamentals", 8 credits for "Intermediate", 10 credits for "Advanced"
6 hours for "Fundamentals", 16 hours for "Intermediate", 20 hours for "Advanced"
Design completed in class

The Control and UCI Training Series is designed to meet your control programming experience at your own level. These courses take students through real world challenges in configuring third-party lighting control, video distribution, shade control and camera control. The series consists of three courses:

  • Control and UCI Fundamentals (Control Logic): No-code course that covers basic Q-SYS control logic components and is best for beginners.
  • Control and UCI Intermediate (Block Controller): Low-code course that focuses on using the Block Controller, which uses puzzle-piece like blocks to represent coding concepts, in order to achieve more sophisticated functionality.
  • Control and UCI Advanced (Lua Scripting): Full-code course dives deep into Lua scripting to showcase the full breadth of coding scalability in Q-SYS.
Start Training

Additional Learning

Q-SYS Quantum Program Level 1 Training: Online
Q-SYS Level 1 Training (cannot take assessments until you meet this prerequisite)
5 units (upon successful completion of all online quizzes)
2-3 hours
None, but must complete all videos & assessments

QSC Quantum Program Level 1 is an advanced troubleshooting and support training that will take you beyond the basics of system design and equip you with the right tools and insights to help customers solve some of the most challenging issues with existing system designs and installation.

  • Best practices in gain structure, AEC and EQ
  • Diagnose advanced AV networking problems
  • Advanced Video configuration (EDID)
  • SIP & POTS Telephony troubleshooting
Start Training
Q-SYS Quickstart Tutorials
English, Spanish

This set of short tutorials covers a number of application specific/advanced concepts and tools to expand your Q-SYS knowledge. Many of the topics are touched upon in the live classroom curriculum, so they act as a great refreshers for past classroom students.

Note: There is no certification associated with Q-SYS Quickstart Tutorials.

Browse Tutorials
Q-SYS Architect
2 credits
4 hours in classroom
A short online quiz

A pre-sales focused curriculum that gives students a system-level view of the Q-SYS Platform, covering all aspects of the signal chain. Students will learn general installation knowledge in order to be able to prepare integrators and consultants on different meeting room scenarios.

Start Training
Best Practices in Gain Structure
0.5 credits
1 hour in classroom
A short online quiz

This class provides students with a better understanding of gain structuring when deploying Q-SYS systems. During the course, the instructor will walk students through an audio signal chain - from the source to the output, discussing tips and techniques for proper gain structuring.

  • Learn proper gain structuring techniques
  • Understand how components affect overall audio performance
  • Brief class can be completed in a lunch hour!

This training is by request only. Contact your local sales rep or distributor to schedule a class.

Last modified: Thursday, 6 March 2025, 3:05 PM
Last modified: Thursday, 6 March 2025, 3:05 PM